Single and ApPARENT
Greetings parents!
We are just a few days away from Labor Day which as you know marks the end of summer. Did it go fast for you? For me it was a long and hot one and because I do not unfortunately live on the lake , I am welcoming the beauty of Fall! If your child has not started back to school yet, they will after Labor Day, so I want to make certain you think of this new school year as a new opportunity for success. Hopefully you read “Single and ApParent” over the summer break, if not, this would be the perfect time to become friends with this “easy read” book that is full of tips all geared towards your success in parenting. As you prepare for the first day of school I would like to personally ask that you add parental participation to that list. You might be wondering how you can manage yet” one more thing” to your already very full day as a single parent. Don’t stress, there are many ways you can be involved regardless of your situation and lifestyle. Here are some ideas that might help you: Home Room parent, crossing guard, playground monitor, hall monitor, PTA member, field trip driver, field trip chaperone, parent/teacher conference assistant, parent office assistant, reading tutor, playground volunteer. Believe it or not there are even more ways to get involved and the tasks I have listed is a “something for everyone” list. Regardless of your situation, at least one of these will fit your lifestyle and the best part is you will totally surprise yourself at how much you enjoy it! I am speaking from experience, I loved every single minute of my involvement time the entire while my son was in school, and I was such a regular that when my son glanced up from his task and saw me, he was never surprised. Point being, I was there, in spite of full time employment and college at night, I was there. Your child will gain more from your involvement than you can even imagine, and your presence also communicates an important message to your child’s teachers. Let me know if you have any questions and use this blog to exchange ideas, thoughts, concerns, and successes. Each of you have something of importance to give, and we can all learn from each other IF we choose to. I hope you find these suggestions helpful, let me know! Wishing you a safe and successful school year and keep the stress at bay-don’t forget to breathe!