What’s recognized as the “holiday season”…


It’s that time of year once again where everything we see and hear is sending us messages to spend, spend, and spend more often than not, money we don’t really have. Before you get caught up I caution you to think about what spending has to do with love and being thankful?  Not to mention it’s much easier to “love” when stress is lessened therefore debt can only increase ones stress level.

Thankfulness should be a daily practice, a daily ritual in ones life regardless of religious or spiritual belief.  I am thankful every single day.  Some of the things I am most thankful for are my late parents, for loving me, nurturing me, sacrificing for me, and teaching me to the utmost of their profound ability. They were geniuses without a book to reference aside from the majesty of their minds and the rich knowledge handed down from their elders. I’m thankful for my now adult son who now mentors others and for having survived the tumultuous journey of single parenthood.

I am grateful for having forged though in order to have a solid relationship with my ex husband, my son’s father.  Don’t think for one minute it was easy but it was necessary and worth it.

I am thankful for each of my followers and visitors to this page, for bearing with me during my short gaps of absence due to my career in inflight, and for your loyalty in staying with me both here and on Facebook.  I am thankful for your question, comments, and sharing of information.

I ask you to have conversations with your children more often than not about some of the things they are most thankful for. To do so will help them stay balanced and hopefully appreciative of the things that are important. Health, love, shelter, food, clothing, family including elders, and parents.  Yes, money is needed for some of these vital things, but not the endless love family and parents provide.

Here’s hoping you stay grounded particularly over these next several weeks and use this time to embrace yourself first, then your children, to keep your struggling finances from imploding, and to realize what’s most important and that is you are in this very moment.

Let me know how you plan to keep your focus over these next several weeks. I would love to hear!



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