That “other parent”-is their “other half”.

As I speak with various populations around the issue of parenting, one consistent topic that continues to resonate is the lack of cooperation between parents pertaining to involvement of the “other parent”, also known as “parental alienation”. Some of the reasons might be due to resentment, unaddressed anger, the feeling of betrayal, and jealousy although I am sure there are many, many more “reasons”.  Regardless of the reasons, each is an emotion.  It is of utmost importance the two adults involved arrive at a place of mutual agreement with respect to both parties, for the best interest not only of the child, but also for themselves as adults. Whatever the reason, it can be worked out, but it has to start with a willingness for “civil” and meaningful conversation between both parties. As long as the child is safe with the non custodial parent I encourage you to make every honest and respectful effort to compromise, in reaching an agreed upon goal for mutual involvement of both parents.  A willingness to cooperate from a place of honesty and dedication is the only way to result in a “win/win” for all involved. I speak from experience that it can be done. Would love to hear what issues you are dealing with.

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