Stress…And More Stress….And…

Greetings Single moms and dads!

How often do your find yourself  wondering how you are going to get through “this”?  You know, all of the issues that are often joined at the hands for most single parents.  Finances, sleep deprivation, only thinking you know what a vacation really is, work concerns, transportation concerns, a lack luster dating life.  Truth is, I don’t even have to think about these things, my keyboard is practically typing all by itself!  Why?  Cause I KNOW, I’ve been there!  What I want you to realize is that you can and will get through it if you really want to!

Each of the above and the many partners it carries causes stress, and stress affects us in ways we don’t even realize.  That nagging headache that might visit from time to time, that “kink” in your back you just can’t seem to get rid of, the bed that just doesn’t seem to want to let go of you on your day off, that little tiny thing that for whatever reason made you somewhat upset.  It is highly likely each of these much less when combined is causing uhealthy stressors in your life and your body is starting to react.  It’s time to listen.

Hypertension, digestive disorders, depression, excess eating, unhealthy cravings are just a few ways your body might react when it’s in overload.

What I want you to do is install a stress-o-meter in your mind that you stay in touch with to make certain things are not out of control.  Know when you are reaching your limit for your own health as well as the health of your child.  Not only are there healthy ways to cope but also healthy ways to off set each of these potentially dangerous reactions. But you have to first recognize they are there “tapping” on your shoulders.

For more on the effects of stress and  how to combat stress, read “Single And ApParent” today!  It was written to inform you as well as to help you, and it will.

What is the most stressful thing you are dealing with?  How do you think you are managing?  Let me know.

Take care of YOU.


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