She Did What?


As I was traveling this week for work I heard a conversation on a radio broadcast I thought to share with you.  Apparently this single mother of two had been seeing this gentleman for a while and she was planning a birthday party for one of the children.  She asked the person she was dating for twenty dollars in her preparation for the event and he politely declined.  Allegedly he told her she has two biological fathers between the two children and quite naturally asked her why she was not asking them.  Apparently many people called into the station sharing their thoughts as did the radio personalities doing the broadcast.

My immediate thoughts?  I am in complete support of the gentleman’s position on this. As a single parent myself during the time when I was raising my son never once would I have had a thought to expect anyone I was seeing to contribute to my son’s ANYTHING.  In addition, rarely would I even accept an engagement when my son was not visiting his father who resided approximately two hours away. Although the town I live is has never offered more than a lack luster social life I simply would not date when my son was home.

As single mothers and fathers it is important that we keep in mind these are our children and our responsibility, not the child or responsibility of anyone we might be dating.  Therefore to ask or expect a monetary contribution from the person you might be “involved” with is not only out of line, but lacks any degree of class.

Some of you might disagree with me and that’s ok. I simply believe in accountability and accepting responsibility for our own actions.  Let me know what you think about this.

Remember to keep it classy!



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