Is Your Child Ready for First Grade?

Have you visited my “Single and ApParent” Facebook page?  There you will find an array of information specific to parenting particularly single parents.  With school fast approaching I will be highlighting readiness skills based on grade level. With that in mind, previously I highlighted Kindergarten readiness. Make certain to read “Single and ApParent” where you will find a list of tasks your child should be able to master.  If your child is starting first grade, it is also important for you as parents to have some idea of what to expect in order to ensure their success and to make the school year better for everyone.  First grade, and the grades that follow will simply “build” in skills from the previous school year.  Some of these tasks for first grade are: Can he or she tell time, recognize shapes, read AND write their name, print well, have basic understanding of a story that is read to them and be able to convey the events of that story?  These are just some of the skills you should be aware of.  If you read to and with your child through the summer months they should for the most part be able to do these things.  Continue working on these skills. It is much easier to be ahead of the game than to have to catch up.  All is within your control moms and dads, and realize your child wants to learn so please remember that. Believe in them, and provide them with the tools and encouragement they need for promised success and as always a reminder to you, don’t forget to breathe!  Please share any question, concerns, and comments you might have.


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