How prepared are you for…..

Parent/teacher conferences?


It’s that time for most school districts to begin preparing for parent/teacher conferences.  Do you realize how important this meeting is for the success of your child’s education?  Let me give you a few reasons why.

First, it’s important for your child to see you involved in his or her school, children are proud to see and hear their parent met with their teachers IN SPITE of what thay might tell you!

Second, it lets your child’s teacher, principal, and administrators know you as a parent are concerned about what is taking place when your child is at school and left in the all day care of others.

Third, it gives you as a parent the opportunity to browse every single classroom to get a feel for your child’s school environment which is critically important parents!

Fourth, it provides you a face to face opportuntiy to ask any questions you might have to your child’s teachers regarding their progress and challenges.

And of most importance, it gives you the opportunity to carefully observe each classroom including looking at each bookshelf to see what reading materials are available to your child as well as what chapter books the teacher might be reading to the entire classroom. Can your child see their reflection in any of those materials?  If not, that is an immediate issue you need to address if you are a parent of color.

As I say in “Single And ApParent”, parents are a child’s first teacher and it’s important that parents have a genuine feel for each educator influencing their child every single day.

So please make certain you know when conferences are and that you show up. Showing up is everything and sends the most important message to not only your child but also their school, that you are there!

For more details on this topic, purchase your copy of “Single And ApParent” today and share this information with everyone you know!

Questions or concerns about conferences or any other topic?  Let me know.


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