Single and ApPARENT
Today we give honor in celebrating the life, teachings, sacrifices, and legacy of the late Dr Martin Luther King Jr. As I reflect over this past year particularly the presidential campaign, I am forced to realize how far we have come as a nation, yet how very far we have yet to go if we as a nation and as a people are to live up to the crede of humaneness itself.
As I just listened to one of Dr. King’s speeches I had to realize we appear to be losing ground as a nation in the areas of respect for one another, love for one another, a willingness to empathize with and assist one another, historical truths, and equality. As much as I would LOVE to paint a “softer” picture right now, it would not be accurate nor honest of me to do so.
We have witnessed the questioning of the legitimacy of our first Black president as the entire world observed this shame and realized the reason for it. We muddled through twelve months of an unprecedented presidential campaign consisting of the most vile rhetoric towards women, Muslims, Hispanics, and African Americans never before in our presidential campaign history. We witnessed painful mockery of a physically challenged journalist. We witnessed painful ongoing assaults of Indigenous people of Standing Rock unarmed, as they looked down the barrels of assault weapons by law enforcement officers clad in full military gear because they were painfully and rightfully protesting their right to clean GOD given water.
I, of course do not know how you are spending your day today in honor of Dr. King. Perhaps before the day is over you will read a children’s book about his life to your children and discuss, perhaps you will watch a video of one of his deeply moving speeches and discuss, perhaps you will have conversation with your children regarding this incredible human being and his meaningful life that was quickly and tragically taken from him. Perhaps you will not do anything at all.
In my book “Single and ApParent” I share how the privilege of parenting allows us to mold a precious life into the type of person who will contribute positively to society. Teaching our children about differences in a healthy and honest manner is the only way they can learn about other people and other cultures. Teaching respect for others and how to treat others by their actions, their words, and kindness. Each of these qualities is a great place to start.
As parents, I hope you take a few minutes to reflect upon these thoughts as each of us have a role to play in the health of our society. Remember, WE are the model our children see the most, and what is “taught” through what we model will shape the outcome of of the sculpture we create.
Rest In Peace Dr. King~