Single and ApPARENT
Two days ago when I returned home from my usual four day trip I suddenly found myself feeling “heavy”. You know, when you feel like you are literally carrying a forty pound bag of something on your back? So I began to talk myself through that downward feeling while trying to understand its source. I just had a great trip with a great crew, met “someone” I was happy to meet, and although I gravely dislike the area of Michigan I live in I absolutely love the home I retun to. So, why the heavy feeling?
I decided to “get still” and just listen to the quiet of my home and during those minutes of meditation it occurred to me my late mother’s birthday was in two days. That was it, I was feeling such a sunken state of mind as I mourn the loss of her physical presecence every single day of my life since she physically transitioned six and a half years ago. I was attached to my mother’s hip and her moving beyond this diminsion has traumatized my life. Now what?
As like during my quiet meditative moments I seek her voice and the voice of my equally precious late father, and then I think of my son. Even though he is an adult trying to figure out and forge his journey he loved his grandmother beyond measure too. I think of his consistent loving words to her and the tenderness in which he treated her as he should have of course. As these thoughts overwhelm my mind they come with the realization my son is watching me, and in my response to daily life including grief, the message I am modeling for him.
So, I will allow myself to always feel the pain of missing my beloved mommy and I will soothe my wounds the best I can. Then, I will get back up and continue to press forward in honor of her and my beloved dad. That’s what they did, that’s what they want me to do. After all, someone is watching me.
There are three things I would like you to do right now: Like and share this message; let me know if you and your family have experienced grief and what helped you the most to get through it; and order “Single And ApParent” for the holidays to learn more about the importance of pushing forward.