Single and ApPARENT
The new school year is well underway and by now you are probably starting to hear a little “buzz” regarding parent/teacher conferences. Parent/teacher conference is a great way to become acquainted with your child’s teacher most especially if you have not already done so and even if you have, it is another opportunity for reacquaintance. If you are following me on Facebook you will notice consistent mentions of the importance of involvement in your child’s education, and parent/teacher conference is one of the many opportunities for you to do so.
I thought to give you some ideas as to how to start preparing for this important meeting. Hopefully you have been monitoring your child’s homework and having conversation with your child so that you can gage how he or she is doing, where they might be struggling, what their favorite hour of the day might be such as reading, math, geography, and so on. What have you asked your child about his or her teachers and what did you learn from their reply? Each of these observations provide you with insight into their day as well as helps you start a mental list of talking points for your scheduled conference time. A journal is a great way for you to capture some of the essential answers to these questions and a journal does not have to be anything fancy or pretty. Head on over to an office supply store and pick up a Mead notebook for under a dollar, which will serve as the perfect journal! When questions or comments from your child comes to mind that you feel you would like further conversation about with your child’s teachers, write it down in that notebook and let that notebook accompany you to each conference. If you do this from the beginning, it will have increased value to you and your child as the years go by and in addition, it can help you avoid “I forgot to ask the teacher” moments.
It is your child’s teacher’s responsibility to come to conference prepared, and it is also your responsibility to arrive at conference prepared. Applying a team concept like this will assist in encouraging a positive learning experience and school year for your child.
As you know, “Single and ApParent” is new, so spread the news and please share this blog page with your friends, family, and coworkers and whomever else you feel would gain meaning from it. This, as well as my Facebook page are for your learning, questions, concerns, and interactions so I welcome your involvement, after all, empowering single parents is the overall goal and purpose.
So, get that journal and grab that pen as you begin thinking conference and remember… don’t forget to breathe! Happy Fall!