Single and ApPARENT
In just a few hours polls will begin to open across the country to elect the next president of the United States of America. Fortunately for me I had bright, educated parents who were engaged in the political process throughout their entire lives. There is not a day that passes when I don’t wish they were still physically with me. I learned so very much from them and I continue to learn because of them. Their vast knowledge I continue to pass on to my precious son who also votes with a passion.
Exercising the right to vote is a right I have always and will forever act upon because I know there is a clear difference in policy based on the candidates. As a single parent I know the challenges of safe, quality, and afford childcare, the importance of family leave which provides an opportunity to attend conferences during the day rather than only after normal work hours, the importance of equal pay for equal work, justice and equality, addressing the school to prison pipeline, support for public school education. Each of these and so much more are at stake in this critically important election.
Please do NOT think your vote does not matter, it does. Please do NOT think you do not have a good choice, you do. Just examine what has been said and more importantly, what has been “modeled” through not only your eyes, but also the eyes and ears of your children. If you do that, I am certain you will find the right answer.
I can’t wait to get to the polls later today, and I both ask and hope you will do the same. For your future and the future of your children. Vote on Tuesday November 8!