Does your child need a tutor?


If your child is struggling in a particular subject which is usually indicated around second grade, it might be a “flag” for you that a little extra support is needed, which is one of many reasons why it is so important to monitor your child’s homework assignments and completion.  By doing so it will let you know both what they are learning as well as how they are doing.

When it comes to math, it is not uncommon for parents of middle school children to express frustration around the fact that even they are challenged with helping their child with homework because they do not really understand how math is being taught today.

If you feel your child might be in need of a little extra support I want to provide a few resources for you to consider. First, you as the parent OR their mentor/other positive role model in your child’s life, might be all that is needed. Patience and consistency are extremely important so make certain you monitor the situation rather than think your child “gets it” after that particular homework lesson is completed.

Another alternative to consider is a tutor. I know what you might be thinking, “I can’t afford that,” but you probably can.  First, have a conversation with your child’s teacher to let him/her know you would like some assistance for your child.  Many high schools have joint programs with an elementary school whereby juniors or seniors who are strong in any given particular subject would love to provide supervised tutoring to a younger student. It is my understanding there is usually not a fee for such help. Your child’s school can assist in exploring this.

As you have conversation regarding assistance for your child with his or her teacher, also speak with your school’s family life educator or social worker to ask for their assistance.  They may have knowledge of local colleges providing tutors that are grant funded. Your school’s family life educator and or social worker can help in many ways but you must make your concerns known.

Please ask any questions or share any comments.  I hope this helps!

Breathe……don’t forget to breathe~

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