Countdown To Summer Break!


Really ask yourself, can you believe this school year is over?  In spite of some challenges did it seem to fly by to you?  Even though my son is an adult now I have two little adorable neighbor girls whom I am watching grow up so very quickly right before my eyes!

That’s how I felt with my son, from Kindergarten through 11th grade it truly was a “blink!”  In spite of everything from, missing homework, tardies, conferences, advisory board meetings, driver’s education, prom, to graduation preparation, I do not exaggerate when I say it was a “blink.”

If you’re like most single parents summer vacation poses a new set of challenges.  You want to keep your child on track for learning yet want them to feel some degree of “ease” from their accomplishment of successfully completing yet another school year.  If your child just completed Kindergarten that too is a milestone.

It was so important to me to keep my son reading and learning over the summer months, and because I always worked full time to do so required early planning.  I thought to offer some suggestions that might help you through this maze.

First, solicit input from your child’s school mainly principal’s office. That is a great place to start because they usually readily have information available on summer learning programs. Also solicit information from your child’s school family life educator or social worker who should also be able to assist you.

Another great resource I cannot say enough about is your community library. I cannot over emphasize the value of your community library. It is a gem that offers wonderful opportunities for kids of all ages but you may not know of them if you do not inquire.

If your community has a community education program office they too serve as a source of valuable information from swim classes to various other recreational opportunities. Your local YMCA or YWCA  is another excellent resource offering day camps to summer camps.  Each of these resources have been known for quality, safety, and affordability. I hope you find this meaningful as you plan ahead for summer.

I would love to hear some of the plans you have for summer break as well as what some of your challenges are so please ask and share. This blog is for you.

As the school year comes to a close and you make your plans for summer of 2017, don’t forget to breathe~




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