Holiday Break is almost here!

Greetings!  In a couple of weeks most schools will begin their holiday break. Some of you might be looking forward to this time and for other single parents it might represent an increase in stress. I thought to share a few ideas of fun…

Happy Hanukkah!

Greetings! This time of year brings about many various celebrations from varying cultures. Whatever your personal practice, it is my hope this season will provide you a time for deeper self reflection as we continue an appreciation of all things that strengthen our lives. Hanukkah…

Thoughts for the holiday season!

The holiday season is upon us and can bring a lot of stress for various reason. Finances, estranged relationships, loneliness, family conflicts, are just some of the things that can affect our spirit. I have always loved the “magic” of this time of year,…

Back To School!

Hi! Tomorrow begins the start of another school year, and for many of you it might be the “first” of several milestone in education such as preschool, kindergarten, transitioning from middle school to junior high, from junior high to high school, or the senior…

Hot off the press!

A nation wide press release for “Single and ApParent” has just gone out to over 500 media outlets nationwide!  More great news to come so stay tuned and connected with me!

Welcome to My New Blog!

Welcome. My name is Benita Jasper, author of Single and ApPARENT. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book! This project is very special to me, and I hope to share some of that excitement with…