Preparing for Another Week of School

Greetings Moms and Dads! It’s the start of another week and the thought occurred to me to check in with you to see how you prepare your child for another week of school.  I hope they are looking forward to it even if they…

The Importance of Organization

Greetings Moms and Dads! I just want to share a quick tid bit regarding back to school.  If you have a child entering Jr. High -7th grade, you will find honing in on organizational skills are very important.  I have previously shared this topic…

Stress…And More Stress….And…

Greetings Single moms and dads! How often do your find yourself  wondering how you are going to get through “this”?  You know, all of the issues that are often joined at the hands for most single parents.  Finances, sleep deprivation, only thinking you know…

The Love of Single Parent Fathers

Greetings! A great father is irreplaceable, I know.  A great father figure and mentor is a lifetime influence as well. When I think of  the many faces of single parenting I always see faces of men in my visual collage. I see dads because…

School Absences and Tardiness

Greetings! As I continue to work with families and various schools I have become increasingly concerned about truancy which means “illegal absence” from school.  I want to make certain you are aware of the importance of a child being in school every single day…

How Well Do You Know Your Child’s School?

Greetings! I was recently asked to give some insight on school detentions and with the new school year in full swing this is a perfect time for this topic. Here’s the scoop. First as I clearly spell out in “Single And ApParent” get involved…

Is Breakfast Really That Important?

Greetings! Now that school is back in full session I have received several requests from parents asking me if breakfast is really that important for their teenager.  The answer simply put is YES!  Here’s why. The number one reason is energy level. Whether a…

Just For you….

Whenever parents talk to me regarding their lives both personally and as it pertains to parenting, it always causes me to reflect upon what they shared.  As a single parent myself of course much of what is shared I can relate to and some…

Good Bye Summer & Back To School!

Greetings! Can you believe summer is now gone?  Even though the weather tells us otherwise here on the east coast, fall is definately in the air!  If you are an “east coaster” you understand what I mean, it’s just a feeling we’ve come to…

She Did What?

Greetings! As I was traveling this week for work I heard a conversation on a radio broadcast I thought to share with you.  Apparently this single mother of two had been seeing this gentleman for a while and she was planning a birthday party…