Can You Believe It’s Almost Back to School?

Greetings!  What a early hot summer this has been-perfect for those who are fortunate to live by the ocean or on a lake where they can simply “take a dip” on a moment’s notice to quell the summer heat! Hopefully that will be me one day soon, but that’s certainly not my situation right now!  I hope you are managing to stay cool and are having a great summer break! With the start of another school year just a few weeks off, I want to provide some reinforcement and reminders to hopefully help get your school year off to a great success. First, I hope and trust you have been reading to and with your child over the summer months as well as encouraging them to read. As I clearly state in the book “Single and ApParent”, the library is a wonderful place to spend time-anytime, much less on these hot summer days. Whether you have a child starting pre-school, kindergarten, middle school, or even high school, the love of a book absolutely will not fail them. For my pre-school and particularily kindergarten parents, can your child recognize the first few letters of the alphabet?  If not, start working with them on that skill set today. Can they recognize the primary colors such as red, blue, yellow, black, and..?  If not, please start working with them on this skill set as well-today.  These are just a couple of skills they should master prior to the school year so it is not too late, but you must start now.  My desire is always to support and educate parents-particularly single parents because I fully know first hand how challenging the job is.  Over the next few weeks I will share more information on school readiness for middle, junior high, as well as high school students.  Please let me know how you are doing and share any questions or input on this blog page, this is what it is for!  For more information on kindergarten readiness purchase “Single and ApParent” and monitor your child’s success on the checklist I have provided.  Don’t let the thought of another school year stress you, simply prepare, read, and don’t forget to breathe!

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