Single and ApPARENT
Hello Everyone,
As you know, my blog page has been inoperable since November of last year, and the mere words “missing you” do not begin to capture both my sadness and disappointment of not being able to fully connect with you over these past few months. From the absence of Happy Holiday wishes, to providing you with a place to ask questions, express parenting concerns, or simply sharing information with you each has not been possible on this blog page. I am especially thankful for Facebook and for those of you who follow me there as at least it has provided me some degree of an avenue of accessibility to you over these past few month.
It is my utmost hope we are now up and running for good now, that’s certainly my plan. But if for some unforeseen reason this site malfunctions again, please know you can still reach me on my Facebook Page.
Now, I would love to hear how you are, any parenting or relationship issues you are struggling with, and or any concerns you may have so let me know!
We’re back together!