Depression in Children


When you hear the word depression most people are inclined to have the immediate visual image of an adult, but sadly enough depression is becoming increasingly prevelant in children as young as elementary school.  If parents are not aware or if they do not recognize the signs this decline in mental health can only worsen.

There are several factors that contribute to this health issue. Family dysfunction, the saturation of social media, the lessening of healthy outdoor play, children being restrained from nature, the mental health of parents, peer pressure, unhealthy dietary habits, lack of sleep, academia, and believe it or not much more.

If you notice a change in your child’s behavior such as heightened rebellion, an escalation of anger, failing grades, a desire to sleep beyond what is usual for them, distancing him or herself from family and friends. Each of these behaviors should raise suspicion and serve as an alarm to take notice, have conversation, and reach out to your school’s family life educator or social worker for assistance.  Whatever you do, don’t ignore them.

For more on the topic of children and mental health read “Single And ApParent”. It’s there to support you and serve as a resource reference for all parents.

Comment below, your questions are always welcome and needed. You never know who you might help.


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