Single and ApPARENT
To all mother’s and especially single mother’s who are doing their very best to raise strong, happy, and healthy children often times at some expense to their own well being, I applaud you! Parenthood is an amazing journey and gift full of opportunities and challenges to help us as individuals grow and learn as we strive to be the very best parent we can be. The role of a parent is not always easy nor perhaps was it meant to be. It is certainly more challenging when we are for whatever reason, a single parent. The responsibility is the same as with a two parent household, however the role is imbalanced because that single parent bears the bulk of responsibility. To each of you who are taking your role of being a parent seriously, I hope that you do something special for yourself on Mother’s Day. Quiet time alone, a temporary vacation from meal preparation, some time with close and supportive friends or family members, whatever your wish might be to honor yourself, is what I wish for you. Continue to strive to be the very best parent you can be and as long as your child’s other parent is a safe person allow him the privilege of contributing to your much needed respite on this day. Welcome his involvement and support of you to foster greater enrichment within your lives. Happy Mothers Day.