Single and ApPARENT
The holiday season is upon us and can bring a lot of stress for various reason. Finances, estranged relationships, loneliness, family conflicts, are just some of the things that can affect our spirit. I have always loved the “magic” of this time of year, deeply rooted in the way my precious late mother and father made everything seem and feel so special. In raising my son as a single parent, I continued such tradition and incorporated the celebration of Kwanza to make it even more personal and meaningful to our culture. I thought to share a few tips to my single mothers and fathers, to not only get you through this season, but to lessen and maybe even avoid stresses altogether: Be fair and cooperate as much as possible with the other parent regarding visitations; togetherness with your children and others you love are to me what the season is about, so do your part in communicating with those who love you in order to plan that dinner and or spend whatever quality time together; keep spending at a minimum-that is not what it should be about, one of the most special gifts I ever received as a child was a hand made doll from my beloved mother. He has made several moves with me and brings me a sense of comfort even though I am well into adulthood. Doing things together with close family and friends, a “gratitude tree”, a special movie, playing games, are just some ideas to foster closeness without going into debt which may cause you significant stress when the season is over. And remember, regardless of your feelings for the “other parent”, never foster a wedge between him or her and your child/children. After all, that other parent is indeed, the “other half”. Let me know what you plan on doing with your family over this holiday season. Happy holidays!